A great strategy for brainstorming is to use and share mind map software online . For companies , it is a convenient way to gather ideas from a variety of sources without having them in the same room. It is a convenient way to bounce concepts , definitions and relations of words on a more general topic .
Mind maps are essentially visual representations of ideas , concepts and thoughts. Start with a word or phrase and grows in other words or images that are associated with the main word .
Mind mapping model uses a hierarchical tree branch with groups of words or images that branches in different directions.
Mind Maps have many uses when it comes to share and explore ideas .
To share your mind map is to exchange ideas in real time online updates , additions and innovations are immediately reflected on the screen of the mind map . A person adds a word, another image , and the constant exchange of thoughts is instantaneous. It is a convenient way to collect a mishmash of ideas, collection notice , and word associations .
It allows a lot of creativity and encourage people to think outside the box.
Tools mind mapping are also useful here . Association and image word is remembering concepts or thoughts easier.
Share mind map directions are also a good way to build a common vocabulary and develop groupthink solidarity.
On a map of the mind is another form of management ideas and the promotion of creative innovation. It also helps in taking notes and conceptualization of the project. Using the map right mind can give a company an edge over its competitors.
The only flaw is that no mental maps tend to be right, or center .
Mind Mapping is a method of exploratory thinking. All words, images , concepts and relationships that immediately come to mind are often separated from the initial idea .
This means that ideas can not be fully compatible or move in the same direction. Each group of branches and sub could lead to a very different conclusion or solution. Prioritization is not an easy task when the mind mapping is used as a method of exchanging ideas.
To share the mental map of a network of all users must be connected and the program installed on their computer. Mind Mapping software can be found and downloaded online easily.
There are a variety of formats to select . It is advisable to find a mind mapping software that is easy to use and understandable to all users.
A mind map should be accessible to everyone so they can provide feedback that could help the business strategy and planning , and find unique solutions to problems.
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